Metrics and Conversion
We use reliable technologies to measure progress and conversion. We help you understand trends and conversions with Key Performance Indicators and help you put anecdotal data into perspective.
We measure Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) using metrics technologies. These technologies factor out confusing anecdotal data that occurs when you ask patients or customers where they first heard of you. Instead of the uncertainty of anecdotal data, we use precise measurements that detail quantity of use and quality of engagement.
At the minimum, this can be accomplished with three basic tools: Google Analytics, Facebook Insights and Tracking Telephone Numbers.
Google Analytics is a free metrics service that measures use and engagement of your web site. This is a basic must-have that you should have on your web site already.
Facebook Insights is the dashboard on your Facebook account that details engagement. We use it to make sure our targeting is reaching and connecting with the proper audience. Also free, also basic must-have.
Tracking telephone numbers are unique numbers used in only one location. These numbers collect all relevant data about each inbound call. As they are only used in one location, when a tracking number is called, we know it is being used from a specific location. This is how we separate calls from your web site, or calls from an advertisement, from all other general callers. Dog Star Media provides affordable, premium technology tracking numbers and reporting.
Ask about our metrics if you want the following:
- Facts about what marketing tools are working
- A way to monitor your team’s phone conversion skills
- A practical training tool you can use in every team meeting.

Tracking Numbers

Web Site Effectiveness

“We have been very impressed with Dog Star Media’s approach to educating stakeholders. Their insight has increased readability and interest in our topics. We are very grateful to work with such an experienced team.”